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CK 1,3 1320x1,2 Aerator Type Solid Blade Arm Folder



MODEL Working Length Bending Angle Capacity
(mild steel)
Length Width Height Weight
  mm mm mm mm mm kg
CK 1,3 1320 135 1,2 1600 880 1180 300
CK 2,0 2020 135 1,2 2300 880 1180 400
CK 2,5 2520 135 1,2 2900 880 1180 460
CK 3,0 3020 135 1,2 3450 880 1180 660


Teknik Özellikler ve Standartlar

  • Steel construction welded body
  • One-piece blade and bending process suitable for manufacturing in different sizes
  • Easy and balanced bending can be done with weight balls.
  • Instruction manual
